The Call for Abstracts has been closed

The submissions will now be reviewed until May 2021


The LCM (Life Cycle Management) conference series is one of the world’s leading forums for environmental, economic and social sustainability. The focus is on practical solutions for the implementation of life cycle approaches into strategic and operational decision-making, whether in science, industry, NGOs or public bodies. Demonstrations of LCM, whether at the stage of methodology development, tools and methods experimentation, or LCM-driven success stories as market innovations, are expected at the LCM2021 conference. The objective is to discuss and advance the implementation of life cycle approaches along the businesses value chains, supporting environmental, social and economic sustainability.


“Building a Sustainable Future Based on Innovation and Digitalization,” is our motto, our claim and our vision.


Based on the conference theme, we welcome submissions matching the following session structure


Review Process

Abstracs are peer-reviewed on the basis of these criteria: novelty, quality and compliance with the conference theme. We encourage authors to illustrate the relevance of their work for life cycle management’s central approaches, ideas and discourses. Authors will be informed on the results by 16th of May, 2021. Depending on the number of contributors, we would like to point out that the organizers may assign submissions to an alternative session format in order to ensure a feasable and vivid conference program. The decision letter will clearly announce any such reallocation.